Sherwin Wong 

Sherwin Wong  是 Seasons Music Studio之創辦人


LTCL of Trinity college London 香港資深女鋼琴專業教師

師承留徳國女鋼琴家Angela Liang



並任教 ATCL,LTCL 級別學生超過二十多年,成績優異。經驗豐富。

Riccardo Mascia 

Riccardo Mascia graduated with honours in Piano and Harpsichord at the Conservatory of Genoa. He continued his piano studies at the Mozarteum in Salzburg with Sergei Dorenski. He then specialised in the harpsichord with Ilton Wjuniski, Kenneth Gilbert and Christiane Jaccottet, under whose guidance he received the first prize of “Virtuosité” at the Conservatory of Geneva. His professional activities involve both early music and opera of all ages. 

He started working from 1987 as piano accompanist in the International Vocal and Performing Arts Courses in Santa Margherita Ligure, where he improved his knowledge by working with singers such as Iris Adami Corradetti, Louis Alva, Gianni Raimondi and Giuseppe Taddei. Later he was coach at the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa from 1992 to 1997, and from 1999 to 2001 at the Grand Théâtre in Geneva. He was assistant to Alberto Zedda for the Mozart Festival in La Coruña (Spain) and the Fondation Royaumont in Paris.

He currently collaborates regularly with the theatres of Pisa, Livorno, Lucca, Modena, Parma, the “Settimane Musicali” at the Teatro Olimpico (Vicenza) and other Italian opera houses. He is often in demand due to his expertise in preparing recitatives and realising continuo. Critics have often highlighted rich inventiveness in supporting the stage. In 2015 he was called by the conductor Federico Maria Sardelli for assistance and continuo in Dido and Aeneas and Alcina at Teatro Regio in Turin.


Since 1998 he has been artistic consultant, vocal coach and continuo player at the Opéra de Chambre in Geneva, where he has contributed to the discovery and recording of many eighteen-century Italian comic operas by Paisiello, Cimarosa, Piccinni, Traetta and others. For Opéra de Chambre he conducted also Le cantatrici villane di Valentino Fioravanti.

At the Theatre of Pisa, since 2003 he has been vocal coach and responsible for the training of young coaches for the Opera Studio. 

He gives concerts as a soloist and member of ancient music groups. He has collaborated as conductor and harpsichord, among others, with the Centre de Musique Ancienne in Geneva, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Orchestra Regionale Toscana.

He graduated in Italian Literature at the University of Genoa, with a thesis on the theatrical mechanisms of Rossini’s librettos, and for years held the cycle of courses, hosted at the Society of Italian Culture in Geneva, A language for music on the history and structure of the Italian opera libretto, through courses on the study of the Italian language and metrics for singers and continuo players. He has taught for courses and concert-lessons for the University of Pisa, Genoa, Verona, Parma, the University of Costa Rica, Verbier Festival Academy, and the Conservatory of Lausanne, where he is regularly invited for master classes about ancient music and rhetoric, and also regularly conducts the string orchestra. In 2017 he conducted an international project, shared with Lausanne, performing Pergolesi's La Serva Padrona in Switzerland and Italy which opened the international festival “Onde Musicali sul Lago d'Iseo”. In 2019 he conducted a new project on La finta tedesca by Johann Adolf Hasse in Lausanne, Parma and for Hasse Gesellschaft in Munchen. 

From 1997 to 2010 he was coach at the Conservatory of Vicenza, where he was the director of the course for opera coaches and professor of Basso Continuo. Since 2011 he has taught Piano Accompaniment and Basso Continuo at the Conservatory “Arrigo boito” in Parma. 
He is regularly invited for masterclasses at the Conservatories of Bruxelles, Zagreb, Copenhagen and Gnesins Academy in Moscow.

Languages: Italian, French, English, Spanish

英國倫敦皇家音樂學院(Royal Academy of Music)音樂專業文憑
英國皇家芭蕾舞(Royal Academy of Dance)考試琴師
英國倫敦皇家音樂學院(Royal Academy of Music)學院鋼琴伴奏
德國威瑪歌劇院(Weimar Lyric Opera)歌劇練唱指導


Carman Tsang 

梁佩儀  Amanda Leung 畢業於香港演藝學院戲劇學院,主修表演,獲藝術學士(榮譽)學位。曾獲校內傑出演員獎、以及兩度獲成龍獎學金。梁氏曾分別憑《綠野仙縱》丶《今夜芳華正茂》及《馬克白》獲提名第八屆,十三屆及二十六屆香港舞台劇獎最佳女配角。於2008年獲得柏立基爵士信託基金研究生獎學金,修讀澳洲Griffith University 戲劇教育課程獲頒碩士學位。於2009年成立「流通管子教育劇場」,希望能透過戲劇傳播愛的種子,讓種子在孩子的生命中成長,得著喜樂及豐盛的生命。


Amanda 熱愛表演藝術及戲劇教育工作,擁有豐富戲劇表演及戲劇教育工作經驗,曾與多個機構及藝團合作,以及於多間中、小學、幼稚園擔任戲劇導師。近年演出作品:《潘霍華的情書》福戲網絡,《馬克白》鄧樹榮戲劇工作室、《四川好人》、《邊城》、《遇上1941的女孩》演戲家族,《喜靈洲......分享夜》(Nunsense)劇場空間;導演作品:《奇妙王國》。2016-2019 年參與愛麗絲劇場實驗室,為「賽馬會諸子百家教育劇場發展計劃」擔任全職演敎員,參與創作和演教《姬明傳》和《3016》,分別巡迴香港小學,中學逾300場演出。

Amanda Leung 




於中國傳媒大學進修朗誦藝術 ;

榮獲全國比賽「 德藝雙韾」個人朗誦金獎;






A graduate of Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and the Royal Academy of Music, Michael Webb has enjoyed success in several competitions as a solo clarinettist, winning the Conservatoire’s Woodwind Prize in 2012 as well as numerous classes in music festivals around his home region, West Yorkshire. In 2016, he was awarded 1st place by Julian Lloyd Webber in the Birmingham Philharmonic Concerto Prize, following his performance of the Finzi concerto in the Adrian Boult Hall with the Birmingham Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Michael Seal.

Other concerto appearances include performances of works by Mozart and Weber with orchestras in Leeds and across the Midlands. In 2012, he performed Stravinsky’s Ebony Concerto and Bernstein’s Prelude, Fugue and Riffs with the Birmingham Conservatoire Wind Orchestra. Michael has also performed the Mozart concerto on a basset clarinet at Newark’s Palace Theatre.


Michael’s solo recital career has encompassed performances in the Birmingham Conservatoire Recital Hall, St John’s Smith Square in London and St James’ Church, Chipping Campden as part of the renowned Chipping Campden Music Festival. In 2013, Michael was invited to participate in the British Isles Music Festival, an international chamber music festival for young musicians, performing solo works by Brahms and Stravinsky. Other notable solo performances include Sir Harrison Birtwistle's Linoi on the basset clarinet as part of the “Birtwistle in Birmingham” festival in 2014.


In addition to his solo playing, Michael is a keen orchestral player, performing with Melos Sinfonia, Orion Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra for the Earth. He received orchestral training with the CBSO, both in the CBSO Youth Orchestra and on their orchestral training scheme with Birmingham Conservatoire, and with the Philharmonia as part of a sit in scheme with the Royal Academy of Music. Michael also participated in the 2016 Chipping Campden Music Festival Academy Orchestra, working with highly esteemed soloists Paul Lewis and Nicola Benedetti. He has played under the baton of Michael Seal, Andris Nelsons, John Wilson, Jac van Steen, Semyon Bychkov and Andrew Litton.

Michael’s teachers have included Christopher Richards, Angela Malsbury, Jo Patton, Michael Harris and Anna Hashimoto, while he has performed in masterclasses with Michael Collins, Robert Plane, Patrick Messina and Andrew Marriner.

Michael Webb-Biography

陳珮珊曾於英國皇家威爾士音樂戲劇學院、英國皇家伯明罕音樂學院和聖三一拉邦音樂舞蹈學院攻讀,獲學院頒授獎學金,主修美聲演唱法和歌劇演出。陳氏往英國攻讀歌劇演出之先,曾於香港中文大學主修民族音樂學,隨教授Michael Edward McClellan研究香港本土文化和六十年代歌舞電影的關係。


陳氏對音樂與社會文化研究的興趣,始於香港浸會大學音樂系所領受的啓蒙。在英國修業期間,陳氏積極參與歌劇演出,曾參與演出的歌劇,包括布烈頓的《亞伯特赫林》和吉伯特與沙利文的《威尼斯船夫》。陳氏曾獲著名的威爾士國家歌戲院選中,參與梅諾蒂歌劇《領事》的製作。此外,陳氏於聲樂比賽中,多次晉級決賽並屢獲特別讚賞,包括Lillian Ash French Song Competition 2016,Mario Lanza Opera Prize 2017。現在,陳氏熱衷於聲樂教學,為香港歌劇院 Hong Kong Opera 導師,並且帶領不同藝團、學校的合唱團積極籌備社區演出,熱心推廣歌唱藝術給不同年紀的愛樂者。


鄭敏芝(Sharon Cheng) 

鄭敏芝(Sharon Cheng) 為香港演藝學院現代舞系二零零三年藝術學士學位畢業生,主修編舞及舞蹈教育,並已考獲英國皇家芭蕾舞學院八級榮譽成績,現累積已有十七年的教學經驗。在校期間獲頒「城市當代舞蹈團獎」及「成龍獎學金」,並多次參與不同團體的工作,包括城市當代舞蹈團、南群舞子、X-劇場及香港舞盟等。鄭氏曾參與多個海外演出,如新加坡 X Position O Company Dance Fiesta 2001、澳門International Youth Dance Festival及德國Global Dance Festival 2002等之演出。中學及小學之舞蹈作品更曾獲學校舞蹈比賽中優異成績及編舞獎。

鄭氏為香港兒童音樂劇團音樂劇團舞蹈主任,歷年編舞作品包括香港兒童音樂《月亮公主》、《童話王子》、《賣火柴的女孩》、《小小羊兒》、《豬仔樂園》、《阿拉丁》、《花木蘭》、《童話夢飛翔》、《海的女兒》、《國王的新衣》、《仙樂飄飄處處聞》、《灰姑娘》、《綠野仙蹤》、《美女與野獸》、《King and I》及 《Annie》等。現為自由舞蹈工作者並積極參與舞蹈教育工作。

《榮烜之聲》及《榮烜展才有限公司》創辦人周榮烜是一位充滿活力的美籍華人歌劇/音樂劇聲樂指導、鋼琴伴奏家、女高音、合唱指揮,音樂會監製、國際比賽總監、評判及大師班導師。多年來足跡遍及美國、加拿大、奧地利、意大利、挪威、澳洲、新西蘭、台灣、新加坡、菲律賓、澳門和香港。國際巨匠英國鋼琴家格雷厄姆約翰遜爵士Sir Graham Johnson形容周氏為“一位最有成就的合作伙伴”。

周氏是香港中文大學一等學士,主修鋼琴,輔修聲樂及打擊樂。獲全額獎學金及助教金Teaching Assistantship赴美國著名College-Conservatory of Music( Univ. of Cincinnati)深造,專修鋼琴伴奏,獲得音樂碩士學位 。畢業後分別在美國University of Texas at Austin 歌劇院、Texas Lutheran University、American-Austrian Mozart Acaemy、Virginia Opera 、Utah Opera 及 El Paso Opera & Conservatory 音樂學院出任駐團聲樂指導、鋼琴伴奏及駐團青年藝術家計劃經理,期間為數十萬中小學生和聽眾表演及教授音樂欣賞。她曾師隨世界知名音樂家如 William Lewis、Sandra Gelb、Kenneth Griffiths、 William Black、 Eiji Hashimoto、Sandrea Rivers等。周氏從世界一流的舞台導演如 Peter M. Webster及Dr. Robert Desimone中學習戲劇藝術,曲目包括80多部歌劇和百老匯音樂劇。

2007年周氏應葉氏兒童音樂實踐中心邀請回流香港,出任合唱部及音樂劇部主任 11 年間,期間監製及指導過很多龐大音樂會、音樂劇及國際表演團(8-12歲)。自 2018 年離職後,除了在海外開設聲樂大師班和監製美國NMCC國際音樂比賽 - 香港區賽外,周氏透過《榮烜之聲》幫助學生「由平凡變成非凡」,播下自信心,好奇心和同情心的種子,收穫就是學生的歡笑聲,自我認知和在各種比賽中屢獲的殊榮。

今年,周氏更成為「緊急救援 」電影音樂指導之一,她的學生在戲中擔任主唱。 另一方面,周氏成為一為活躍的國際演講者。在婦女經濟論壇及多個國際女性組織提倡mental health 及社交倩感智商提昇,獲得了「標誌女性獎」、「非凡傑出女性獎」Jessica Magazine 「2020 傑中女性獎」及 英國全心女性基金「2021 推動及還原力女性獎」。

此外,她為亞馬遜暢銷書 ” Ignite Your Life for Women 及 Women Going Global 撰寫「還原力」的自傳,促進女性自強。2020年,周氏更成為美國“繼續微笑”運動大使、港印女性商會的主席。

周榮烜(Shirley Whing Chow)